Off Centaur was founded in 1980 by Teri Lee, Jordin Kare and Catherine Cook (now Catherine Mac donald). Between that time and its dissolution, the contributions of Off Centaur, in many ways changed the course of the filk community as we know it.
This company made available to the science fiction community at large a fine and continuing collection of recorded filk, both convention and studio recordings. It sought out excellent performers, used the highest recording standards available to it, and brought to the filk community music that would otherwise have had limited exposure. Filk music became accessible on a constant basis.
In addition, it made printed filk accessible to filkers, both lyrics and sheet music, beginning with the Westerfilk Collection published before Off Centaur’s creation by the company’s founders (with David Bratman) and continuing with many other collections.
By both print and audio recording, Off Centaur contributed to the spread of much-loved music throughout the filk community and nurtured it’s growth. The standards it set in printed and recorded filk are still admired and emulated. For these contributions to filk music and the filk community, Off Centaur Publications is inducted into the Filk Hall of Fame, this First Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-five.
Jordin Kare RIP 2017
Teri Lee RIP 2021