or “Stoph” as he’s known to his friends, has been actively involved in filk fandom since the early 1980’s. He has contributed to filk as a performer, writer, recording engineer, producer, and arranger.
Kristoph mixed and mastered countless recordings for Off Centaur, Wail Songs, Firebird, and Prometheus. A professional sound engineer since 1991, he has for years recorded albums for filk artists at discounted rates, out of his love for their music and a desire to support them. The bulk of early filk recordings bore his stamp: his ear, balance, and encouragement of each artist to give their best for these recorded moments in time. His taste and talent have touched hundreds of albums and thousands of hearts.
Eventually, Stoph started his own label and recording studio, Flowinglass Music. Through it, he has helped to record many filkers who might otherwise not have received exposure.
Kristoph has recovered and re-released classic filk recordings. He resurrected the original “Divine Intervention” masters, which had been damaged in storage, and single-handedly masterminded the reissue of Cynthia McQuillin’s classic recordings “Dark Moon Circle” and “Moonshadows” on CD.
He is a consummate performer with a wide repertoire of traditional, borrowed, and original material, some of which can be found on his many recordings. He has performed solo; as a duo with wife, Margaret; in the Early Music trio Broceliande; and in the Celtic rock band Avalon Rising.
Stoph also has the rare ability to enhance the performances of others, whether at house filks, at conventions, or on recordings. He has provided accompaniment on guitar, octave mandolin, oboe, synthesizer, bass, and other instruments, as well as vocals. Many recording projects and performances were greatly enhanced by his ability to add depth to the songs.
For many years he has donated his time and the use of his recording equipment at Consonance, ConChord, and BayCon, thereby providing a high quality of sound reinforcement and recording. When filkers have come to local conventions from out of town, Stoph has generously lent them his own instruments.
For these contributions to filk music and the filk community, Kristoph Klover is inducted into the Filk Hall of Fame this tenth day of April, Two Thousand and Ten.
Photo credit: Michael Pereckas, aka Beige Alert